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Ways Ageing affects your private part

Probably you have been thinking that there are some parts of your body that will be spared the indignities of ageing. It is now time to discard that thought. The truth is, as you age, whether you are single, married, healthy or unhealthy, your body will go through some changes and the results will be shown in your body parts – including your sex organs. You will wake up one day and realise that the organs are gradually changing – in appearance, size, sensitivity, and function.
However, experts say this is not a reason to panic … because there are certain steps you can take to make the changes bearable as you age.
Five Ways Ageing Affects Men’s Sex Organs

Penis shrinks

According to Dr Brian Steixner, the Director of the Institute of Men’s Health for the Jersey Urology Group, United States, there is a progressive loss of penis size as a man ages though it is not like he will develop a micropenis. As a man ages, the normal skin cells, which were once hale and hearty, get replaced by a non-elastic fibre, which sort of affects the whole equation. Now if you want to make it worse, keep drinking excess beer.
As your belly gets bigger, the fat pad pushes out and a larger penile percentage gets buried under the skin. Gain weight, lose length … Simple math. For every 30 pounds you shed, you add an effective half-inch in length. Dr Castellanos, a sex therapist says “men start to witness penis shrinkage around 40 years of age because of decreased blood flow and reduce testosterone level
By the time, a man is in his 60s and 70s, he may lose a centimetre and a half of the length of his penis,” She adds that if a man carries belly weight, the penis will appear smaller without it actually being smaller. “Because the penis starts inside the body, if you have belly fat…the fat comes down and extends over the base of the penis. The belly covers the base of the penis, making it appear shorter.”

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