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Money is the lowest form of wealth, real wealth is in relationships

Your choice of people to associate with will have more impact on what you become than any other single factor”- Brian Tracy.

It is not enough to have talent and skills; you must understand the power of building valuable relationships. Relationships matter more than money. In an actual sense, people don’t lack money, it is relationships they lack. You don’t lack money, you only lack the right relationships. It is your ‘connection’ that determines your ‘collection’. What you will collect from life is dependent on the value of your connections. The number one characteristic of a poor man is a lack of relevant relationships. The more you are isolated from rich relationships, the closer you are to poverty.
One great truth about relationships is that of all the resources available to man, it is the only one that is inexhaustible. The relationship is the ultimate connector. It can connect you to opportunities that your degree and certificate would not be able to achieve in your lifetime. Relationships can open doors in a moment, which your degrees won’t open in a lifetime. I have observed that there is a strong connection between the quality of your relationships and the opportunities that you will be exposed to in life. Knowing people in high places that will recommend you for the right places will always give you a significant edge in life. Networking can get you into doors that degrees cannot.

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