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What is your new year resolution---- 2022 Goals

When it comes to the New Year, many of us like to make bold claims like, “This is my year!” As much as I want all of us to have a great 2022, I also want to ensure that we don’t enter the realm of wishful thinking by envisioning and talking about our goals without matching them with action. Action is energy, and it’s crucial to the manifestation process. A lack of action yields a lack of positive results. But remember, it’s about being productive and taking useful actions, not simply being active. You must play your role, energetically, in all regards: thoughts, emotions, words and actions.⁣⁣ ⁣
As co-creators, we have more influence over our reality than we realize. If this idea challenges you rationally, then think about this: you’re always making choices, and every choice produces a different outcome. The fact that you’re here right now, reading this, has manifested from a decision you made earlier.⁣⁣⁣
In 2022, I propose that we empower ourselves and stop playing the victim and bystander roles. Let’s stop leaving things to chance. While we cannot control everything that happens to us, we can control our response to the situation we’re facing and the attitude we hold towards it. We can make different choices to take us closer to where we want to be.⁣⁣
Although this post is geared towards the New Year, I must remind you that new beginnings happen continuously, not yearly. We don’t need to postpone change until 2022. After all, time doesn’t exist; only clocks do. Your year ahead will depend on your efforts, and you don’t need to begin making an effort at any particular point. Let’s escape the fixed mindset that suggests this, and let’s enter a growth mindset that permits us to take the kaizen approach to life and improve continuously.⁣⁣⁣
It’s the New Year in less than a week, and the truth is that you will only sustain organic happiness if you start addressing the things you’ve been dealing with internally. So, let’s act with courage and pursue the changes we deserve.⁣⁣

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