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Arabirin Betty Akeredolu postponed 70th birthday celebration

Wife of the Governor of Ondo State, Chief Betty Anyanwu-Akeredolu, has put on hold, every activities lined up for her 70th birthday celebration bid to hold between July 15-20, 2023.
The Ondo First Lady had earlier announced July 15th for a pre-birthday event tagged “Jogathon”, before the main celebration which is July 20.
Due to unforeseen circumstances beyond her control, she announced suspension of the activities on Sunday morning, till further notice.

Hello Family and Friends.
This is to inform you that all activities lined up to mark my 70th birthday are hereby suspended till further notice due to unforeseen circumstances beyond my control. Sorry for any inconvenience caused by this development. Nevertheless, be assured that I will be celebrated in style upon my return. Thank you for your understanding.
I remain Arabinrin a.k.a Ada Owere I

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