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Her Excellency Abiodun Yuguda talks with Glam Ladies

In an interview with  Glam Ladies  Her Excellency  Abiodun Yuguda  talked about individual’s journey to her current and former leadership position and hear what challenges she may have met along the way. You can learn what advice this former first  lady can offer to both and men and women who want to see more women represented at every level of decision making in organisations, in politics, in the boardroom, in science and technology, in academia and education, in sports, in social justice, in banking, in entrepreneurship and in philanthropy.

You can hear how they how they balance the demands of private and family life with the day job. Listen as she share how they have been influenced by others and learn what inspires her in good times and bad.  Listen to her go to music choice. Hear how she manage her finances and what was the best bit of money advice they
 ever got. How are they helping the environment.
Watch out for this in our next episode 

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